Week 7: Default Dead or Alive
Default dead, alive, or zombie are the three states for Canadian startups. Why accepting your current state can help you gain some control over it.
This week we are talking about the concept of default dead or alive and talking a bit about the Yips. The concept of a ‘default state’ is relatively easy on the surface but it is almost always difficult to apply to your own company for several reasons. This is often related to a state of mind that is commonly discussed in competitive sports, the Yips, and it is something that founders must constantly face.
The other things we cover on Wednesday:
Canadians seem to be more prone to a third stage, default zombie, and that is something you want to avoid.
How a moderately appealing product can trick you into death.
What does failure mean?
The intention is to help you recognize these challenges early so you can make better decisions in the future.
Lunch speaker
For lunch on Wednesday we have Jay Shah joining us. He is the co-founder of a company that sold to Google a decade or so ago (Bufferbox), YC alumni, and an investor. He currently is working on a new company that uses AI in a very practical way. With loads of stories and experience, it will be another great lunch discussion.
See you Wednesday!
Btw, young vs older founders… I reference that a lot. The study is here.